Translating Neo-Latin texts

Professor Ingrid De Smet, the Oxford Traherne's Neo-Latin consultant, has recently published an article on translating Neo-Latin:

Ingrid A. R. De Smet, 'Translating Neo-Latin Texts for Contemporary Audiences: Some Methodological Reflections', in ‘Quicquid laborum suscipiebat, amore studiorum suscipiebat’: A Collection of Neo-Latin Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Dr Jeanine De Landtsheer (1954-2021), ed. Dirk Sacré, Aline Smeesters, Toon Van Houdt, and Kristi Viiding = special issue of Humanistica Lovaniensia, 72 (2023), 451-85.

The article can be downloaded here.
The Oxford Traherne edition includes Traherne's two predominantly Neo-Latin notebooks, the Early Notebook, edited by Angus Vine, and the Ficino Notebook, edited by Valery Rees and the late Ann Moss. They will be published with facing-page translations.